BSR-1 - a high yielding, self-fruitful aonla variety from Tamil Nadu.

Horticultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 641 003, India.
Key words: ascorbic acid, brix, characteristics, chemical composition, crop quality, crop yield, crude fibre, fruits, maturation, medicinal plants, phenolic compounds, plant composition
Abstract: BSR-1 is a new high-yielding (155 kg/tree, 42 952 kg/ha), self-fruitful, and late-maturing cultivar of aonla (Emblica officinalis [P. emblica]) selected from a large number of germplasm from Bhavanisagar, Tamil Nadu, India. Its fruits are flattened at the base and round at the apex, with an average weight of 27.30 g/fruit. The fruits contain high total soluble solids (18.1 degrees brix) and vitamin C (620 mg/100 g of flesh), low phenol (29.75 mg/g of flesh), and high crude fibre content (4.31%).