Correlation and path coefficient analysis of yield attributes in ber (Zizyphus spp.).

Department of Horticulture, S.K.N. College of Agriculture, Rajasthan Agricultural University, Jobner - 303 329, India.
Key words: correlated traits, correlation analysis, crop yield, cultivars, flowering, fruits, genotypes, harvesting, path analysis, specific gravity, yield components
Abstract: Ten-year-old plants of 8 commercial cultivars of Ziziphus mauritiana (Gola, Seb, Umran, Mundia, Illaichi, Tikadi, Jogiya and Bagwadi) and 3 local selections of Z. rotundifolia [Z. nummularia] (Local-1, Local-2 and Local-3) were evaluated in Jobner, Rajasthan, India. Correlation and path coefficients were assessed for 13 yield attributes, i.e. duration of flowering, fruit set, fruit drop, fruit length, fruit breadth, fruit weight, stone weight, stone length, stone diameter, pulp weight, specific gravity, fruit yield and harvest duration. Fruit set, fruit length, fruit breadth, fruit weight, stone diameter, pulp weight, specific gravity and harvest duration had significant positive correlation with fruit yield. Fruit length had the highest direct positive effect on fruit yield, followed by fruit weight and fruit breadth.