Effects of stionic combinations on the growth and flowering of rose.

Department of Horticulture, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263 145, Uttaranchal, India.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2002.v04i02.30
Key words: budding, cultivars, flowering, flowers, growth, rootstock scion relationships, rootstocks, roses, scions, sprouting, vigour
Abstract: Bud take, growth and flowering were evaluated in Rosa indica [R. chinensis] cultivars Odorata and Briar, R. macrophylla and R. clinophylla budded with cultivars Super Star, Happiness, Eiffel Tower and Kiss of Fire. Bud take at 2 weeks after budding was greatest for R. indica cv. Odorata budded with Super Star (80%). R. macrophylla budded with Eiffel Tower recorded the lowest number of days to sprouting (21.33 days). R. indica cv. Odorata budded with Super Star produced the tallest plants (37.67 cm) at 6 months after budding. However, at 15 months after budding, the tallest plants were obtained with R. clinophylla budded with Kiss of Fire (119.67 cm) and R. indica cv. Briar budded with Kiss of Fire (119.33 cm). At 6 months after budding, the greatest plant spread was recorded for R. indica cv. Odorata budded with Happiness (55.63 cm) and R. indica budded with Happiness (54.67 cm). Super Star budded on R. indica cv. Odorata produced vigorous plants. At 15 months after budding, R. indica cv. Briar budded with Ha