Effect of pulsing and wet cool storage on postharvest life and quality of rose cultivars.

Division of Floriculture and Landscaping, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi - 110 012, India.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2002.v04i02.27
Key words: crop quality, cultivars, cut flowers, dimethyl sulfoxide, flowers, roses, storage, vase life, water uptake
Abstract: The effects of pulsing with 2% dimethyl sulfoxide and wet cool storage (4 degrees C) for 1-5 days on the postharvest life and quality of rose cultivars Noblesse and Mercedes were determined. The vase life of both rose cultivars subjected to pulsing and wet cool storage was higher compared to that of the control. In general, water uptake and flower diameter of the cut flowers subjected to pulsing and wet cool storage decreased with storage duration, but were higher compared to those of the control.