Evaluation of early-ripening grape genotypes under subtropical North Indian conditions.

Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, P.O. Kakori, Rehmankhera, Lucknow - 227 107, India.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2002.v04i01.20
Key words: buds, chemical composition, crop quality, crop yield, cultivars, earliness, fruiting, fruits, grapes, harvesting date, plant composition, ripening, ripening stage, sprouting, stability, titratable acidity, varietal reactions, yield components
Abstract: The yield and quality of 14 early-ripening grape cultivars, planted during 1995 in Rehmankhera, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, were evaluated during 1997-2000 to identify the most suitable cultivars for North Indian plains, where pre-monsoon showers is a limiting factor for grape cultivation. The period of bud sprouting and ripening varied with the year and cultivar. Bud sprouting (20 February-5 March) and fruit ripening (16 May-5 June) were earliest in Beauty Seedless. BA x Per-75-32, Gold, Delight and Kishmish Beli exhibited late fruit ripening. Flame Seedless and Pusa Navrang were high-yielding, and the mean annual yield of these cultivars was approximately 20 kg per vine. Both cultivars, which were resilient to damage by heavy rains, exhibited phenotypic yield stability even under unfavourable conditions. Cardinal (5.40-8.61 kg per vine), Kishmish Charani (4.69-12.66 kg per vine), Beauty Seedless (1.13-22.63 kg per vine), Pusa Seedless (5.02-7.13 kg per vine), Gold (1.36-8.88 kg per vine) and New Perlette