Performance of nine ber (Ziziphus mauritiana Lamk) cultivars on topworking in the semi-arid region of West Bengal.

Department of Fruits and Orchard Management, Faculty of Horticulture, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur - 741 252, Nadia, West Bengal, India.
Key words: ascorbic acid, budding, chemical composition, crop quality, crop yield, cultivars, fruit pulp, fruits, girth, leaves, plant composition, plant height, ripening, ripening stage, scions, seed weight, sugar content, titratable acidity, topworking, unions, va
Abstract: The response of Z. mauritiana cultivars Baranasi Karaka, Chhuhara, Dandan, Gola, Ilayachi, Jogia, Kaithali, Katha Phal and Umran to topworking was studied. Scion buds collected from Jhargram, West Bengal, India were topworked on 5-year-old trees of Z. rotundifolia. At 2 months after budding, budding success was 100% in Baranasi Karaka and Kaithali, and 80% in Dandan, Jogia, Katha Phal and Umran. Gola had the highest number of leaves (116). Scion height (155 cm) and girth (10.0 cm) were greatest in Umran. Jogia recorded the highest fruit yield per plant at 7 months after budding (62.1 kg), as well as the highest number of fruits per plant (1600). Fruit weight was highest in Umran (39.2 g). Fruit length and weight were more pronounced in Baranasi Karaka (5.4 and 3.4 cm), Dandan (5.1 and 3.0 cm), Jogia (4.9 and 3.8 cm) and Umran (4.8 and 3.8 cm). Seed weight was lowest (0.6 g) in Ilayachi and highest (1.9 g) in Jogia. Ilayachi fruits registered the greatest total soluble solids (21.8 degrees Brix), total sugar (