Evaluation of chilli (Capsicum spp.) germplasm for fruit yield and component characters.

Department of Horticulture, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat - 785 013, Assam, India.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2002.v04i01.13
Key words: branches, crop yield, cultivars, flowering date, flowers, fruit drop, fruiting, fruits, germplasm, inbred lines, leaves, plant height, seed weight, yield components
Abstract: Fifty-two chilli (C. annuum and C. frutescens) genotypes (cultivars and advanced breeding lines) grown in Jorhat, Assam, India were evaluated for fruit yield and component characters from February to October 1999. The genotypes significantly varied for all the parameters evaluated. Plant height was greatest in Asamia Jalakia (71.21 cm). The number of primary branches was highest in Nadharia (7.83) and Kala J. Long (7.83). Balijuri (190.67), Nadharia (202.83) and Kala J. Long (198.50) had the highest number of leaves per plant. Specific leaf weight was highest in Balijuri (6.62 mg/cm2). The number of days to first flowering was lowest in Soalkuchi (51.83). Khoti Jalakia had the highest number of flowers (662.67) and fruits (278.17) per plant, and fruiting percentage (42.00%). Fruit drop incidence was lowest in Singhasan (0.90%). Jayanti recorded the greatest fruit length (9.71 cm). Fruit diameter was greatest in Tupura Jalakia (1.83 cm), Thupuka Jalakia (1.81 cm) and Bogori Jalakia (1.64 cm). The greatest fres