Abstract: The present study was conducted at ICAR-National Research Centre for Grapes, Pune, during the fruiting season of 2022–2023, and the experiment was laid out using a Randomized Block Design with 8 rootstocks. Research findings revealed that yield and quality are affected by rootstocks. Yield/vine (7.24 kg), number of bunches (78.41), TSS (23.88
oBrix), phenol content (0.250 mg/g), reducing sugar (398.98 mg/g) and flavonoid content (5.85 mg/g) was higher in Cabernet Sauvignon grafted on 110R rootstock. A higher number of berries/bunch (133.67), juice recovery (64.07%) and anthocyanin content (2304.12 mg/L) were recorded in Dogridge grafted vines. The vines grafted on Gravesac rootstock had a higher 50-berry weight (53.67 g) as compared to other rootstocks. A higher bunch weight (110.23 g) was recorded in grafted vines on SO4. Cabernet Sauvignon grafted on 140 Ru recorded higher acidity (6.67 mg/L), colour intensity (0.680) in juice, total acids (7.5 g/L) in wine and better wine colour (8.7). Higher tannins (2.52 and 2.641 mg/g in juice and wine, respectively), proline content (2.196 mg/g), alcohol content (13.53%) and volatile acids (0.44 g/L) were estimated in wine prepared from Cabernet Sauvignon grafted on 1103P rootstock. Higher anti-oxidant (51.57 µ.moles/g) and acidity (1.50%) of wine were recorded in Fercal grafted vines. Higher glucose content (2.65 g/L), mallic acid (2.48 g/L), aroma, taste, flavour and overall acceptability of wine (7.3) was found in Cabernet Sauvignon grafted on 101.14 Mgt.