Optimizing nutrient sources for quality bulb and bulblet production in LA hybrid lilium: A study in the North Indian plains

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, 110012, India. Corresponding e-mail: singh_markandey@yahoo.com
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2024.v26i02.42
Key words: LA hybrid lilium (Lilim longiflorum× Lilium asiatica), cultivar ‘Masai’, RGR, partitioning rate, bulb and bulblets, fresh weight and dry weight.
Abstract: LA hybrid lilium cv. ‘Masai’ bulbs were grown over two consecutive growth seasons in a net house to enhance the yield of high-quality bulbs and bulblets, utilizing both organic and inorganic nutrients. The experiment tested five levels of organic manure (FYM) (0, 10, 15, 20, and 25 t ha-1) and inorganic fertilizers (0, 40+30+25, 80+60+50, 120+90+75, and 160+120+100 N+P2O5+K2O kg ha-1). It assessed both individual and combined effects of nutrient sources, concluding that their combined application was most beneficial. Treatment T24, comprising 25 t FYM with 160 kg N, 120 kg P2O5, and 100 kg K2O ha-1, proved to be the most effective. The study revealed that treatment T24 resulted in the largest bulb circumference, the highest number of bulblets per plant, the greatest bulblet circumference, and the highest fresh and dry weights of both bulbs and bulblets per plant. It also led to the best relative growth rate (RGR) of the bulb, as well as the most efficient partitioning rates at both the flowering and harvest stages. Treatment T23 notably influenced the fresh and dry weights of the bulblets. The data suggest that T24 produces bulbs and bulblets of superior quality compared to other treatments, making it a viable choice for the commercial cultivation of quality LA hybrid lilium bulbs and bulblets in the plains of India.