Micro propagation of non-seed setting hybrid of ornamental plant Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult and genetic fidelity assessment using ISSR markers

Instructional Farm, Kerala Agricultural University, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram, 695522, Kerala, India. Tel.: +919497453663, Corresponding e-mail: sheena2sa@yahoo.co.in
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2024.v26i01.22
Key words: Adenium, micropropagation, genetic fidelity, ISSR, tissue culture, desert rose, caudex, M S media
Abstract: Adenium obesum is a popular ornamental plant propagated through seeds. But its hybrids are mostly infertile or need assisted pollination for seed production. In the present investigation, an efficient and reliable indirect regeneration protocol for infertile adenium hybrid was developed from leaf explants. Surface sterilization using mercuric chloride 0.2 percent recorded the lowest incidence of contamination and highest survival percentage. Callus from shoot tip showed the lowest number of days for shoot regeneration with 13.2 days in Half-strength MS medium containing 3 mg L-1 NAA and 3mg L-1 GA3. Maximum shoot length of 2.40 cm was recorded in Half-strength MS medium + 3 mg L-1 NAA+ 3mg L-1 GA3 two weeks after sub culturing. Half-strength MS+2mg L-1 IBA recorded root initiation in 16.16 days. The rooted plantlets were successfully hardened and acclimatized with a survival rate of 92 %. The genetic fidelity of regenerated plantlets was assessed using ten primers and the in vitro cultured plants did not show polymorphism in ISSR analysis. This in vitro propagation protocol could be effectively used for the large-scale propagation of non-seed setting hybrids of adenium.