Effect of priming on enhancing storability of high and low vigour brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) seeds

1Department of Botany, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004, India. 2Associate Director (Seeds), Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004, India. Corresponding e-mail: tavisha-bot@pau.edu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37855/jah.2023.v25i01.08
Key words: Brinjal, seed, priming, germination, GA3, storage, vigour, KNO3, biochemical, PEG, Solanum melongena, viability, seedling vigour index
Abstract: The present study was on brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) seeds var. Punjab Nagina. The quality of brinjal seeds in terms of vigour and viability severely declines due to natural ageing during storage between harvesting and the next sowing season. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of various priming treatments on the quality and storability of brinjal seeds. The freshly harvested seed was divided into two lots. One of these seed lots was subjected to accelerated ageing to obtain low vigour seed and the other lot was considered to be high vigour. The high and low vigour seeds were primed with KNO3 (1%), GA3 (100ppm), KH2PO4 (0.1M), PEG 6000 (30%) and H2O, respectively for 12 hours at 25oC. The seeds were stored in moisture-impervious bags for 12 months in a refrigerator (4oC). The objective was to observe whether the priming treatments improve the seed vigour and retain the advantages obtained during storage. The seeds were drawn at three monthly intervals, viz., zero, three, six, nine and twelve months of storage to study germination percentage, speed of germination, mean days to germination, seedling length, root length, shoot length, seedling dry weight and seedling aand vigour index. With an increase in storage duration, a decline in the physiological aspect of seed quality was observed in both high and low vigour seeds. All the priming treatments improved the germination-related parameters in both high and low vigour seeds over control but the extent of improvement varied. Seed priming with GA3 (100ppm) and KNO3 (1%) were the best treatments for both high and low vigour seeds, even after storage for 12 months.