Influence of rate and method of phosphorus placement to garlic (Allium sativum L.) in a Mediterranean environment.

Department of Plant Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), P.O. Box 3030, Irbid, Jordan.
Key words: application methods, application rates, band placement, broadcasting, bulbs, crop quality, crop yield, garlic, phosphorus fertilizers, plant height, superphosphates, yield components
Abstract: The effects of P rate (0, 25, 50, and 75 kg/ha as superphosphates) and application method (band and broadcast) on the yield and quality of garlic were studied in Jordan during 1999/2000 and 2000/2001. P at 75 kg/ha resulted in the greatest plant height at 120 days after planting (66.0 cm), bulb length (3.45 cm), bulb diameter (3.55 cm), clove breadth (3.30 cm), clove length (3.55 cm), number of cloves per bulb (13.5), and dry weight (740.5 g/m-2). Plants treated with 0 and 25 kg P/ha exhibited P deficiency symptoms such as dwarfing and purpling of leaves. Broadcasting gave greater plant height (61.3 cm), bulb length (3.42 cm), bulb diameter (3.35 cm), clove breadth (3.15 cm), number of cloves per bulb (13.25), and dry weight (661.3 g/m-2) than band placement.