Laboratory of Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding, Department of Botany, Shivaji University, Kolhapur - 416 004.
Key words: D. malabaricum, mutagens: EMS, SA, gamma rays, chlorophyll mutants
Journal of Applied Horticulture, 2011, volume 13, issue 1, pages 18-24.
Abstract: The phenotypic response of Delphinium malabaricum to chemical mutagens (EMS and SA) and physical mutagen (gamma rays) were studied. It was observed that D. malabaricum manifested specific reactions to the treatments with EMS, SA and gamma rays. Different mutation frequencies and width of mutation spectra were induced under the action of different concentrations of the applied mutagens. Eleven different types of chlorophyll mutants namely albina, albina-green, xantha, aurea, chlorina, viridis, yellow viridis, tigrina, striata, maculata and variegated type were identified in the treated populations and chlorophyll mutation frequency was calculated on plant population basis. Frequency of viridis mutants were highest followed by xantha and other types in all the treatments. The treatments of EMS were found to be more efficient than SA and gamma rays in inducing chlorophyll mutations. The highest frequency of chlorophyll mutations (9.74%) was reported in the 0.25% EMS. Quantitative estimation of chlorophyll pigments was also done in different kinds of chlorophyll mutants and chlorophyll content was found in the following decreasing order: chlorina > maculata> variegated> striata> tigrina> viridis> yellow viridis> albina green> aurea> xantha > albina. The study of induced genetic variability for frequency and spectrum of chlorophyll mutations is the first report in D. malabaricum.