Effect of irrigation levels on fruit quality of the Picual olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivar
— M.M. Khattab, A.E. Shaban, I. Hussein and O.H. Elgamaal (Egypt)
Ectopic expression of Mn-SOD in Lycopersicon esculentum leads to enhanced tolerance to salt and oxidative stress —Yueju Wang, Michael Wisniewski, Richard Meilan, Sandra L. Uratsu, Minggang Cui, Abhaya Dandekar and Leslie Fuchigami (USA)
Some changes in postharvest physiology and activities of glutamine synthetase in broccoli head supplied with exogenous sucrose during storage—Dewoowoogen P. Baclayon, Toshiyuki Matsui, Haruo Suzuki and Yusuke Kosugi (Japan)
Developmental influence of in vitro light quality and carbon dioxide on photochemical efficiency of PS II of strawberry leaves (Fragaria x ananassa) —John H. Miranda and Richard Williams (Australia)
Characterization of environmental stress-regulated anthocyanin production and growth of cranberry callus —Yu Zhou and Bal Ram Singh (USA)
Effect of forcing at different times on bud burst, flowering and fruit development of low—chill peach cultivar ‘Premier’ —Sutasinee Maneethon, Kenji Beppu, Naoko Kozai, Ryosuke Mochioka and Ikuo Kataoka (Japan)
2,4-D and NAA supplementation mitigates autotoxicity of strawberry in hydroponics —H. Kitazawa, T. Asao, T. Ban, Y. Hashimoto, T. Hosoki (Japan)
Tolerance of lilyturf (Liriope muscari) and four perennial ornamental grasses to preemergent herbicides—James T. Cole and Janet C. Cole (USA)
Effect of cultivars on storage losses in onion under hot conditions —Naser Alemzadeh Ansari (Iran)
N—NO3 from cellular extract as an indicator of nutritional status of cantaloupe muskmelon in fertigation—Maria Remedios Cigales Rivero and Octavio Perez Zamora (Mexico)
Thinning response of ‘Abbé Fetel’ pear to lime sulphur—P.I. Garriz, H.L. Alvarez, G.M. Colavita and M.S. Gajdos (Argentina)
Growth, fruit yield and quality of ‘Golden Delicious’ apple trees under fixed partial rootzone drying—G. Talluto, V. Farina and R. Lo Bianco (Italy)
Soil, plant and canopy resistance to water flow in bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) as affected by fertigation regimes—S.O. Agele (Nigeria)
Chlorine disinfection: effects on hydroponics lettuce—Zdenka Premuzic, Hemilse E. Palmucci, Juan Tamborenea and Martin Nakama (Argentina)
Tulip cultivar response to Flurprimidol preplant bulb soaks—Brian A. Krug, Brian E. Whipker, Ingram McCall and John M. Dole (USA)
Effect of Ni on yield, quality and N assimilation of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) grown with urea or nitrate —S.J. Tabatabaei (Iran)
Effect of different fertilizer sources on the qulaity of head cabbage—Emilia Atanasova, Ivanka Mitova, Ilko Dimitrov and Ira Stancheva (Bulgaria)
Effect of sucrose concentration on somatic embryogenesis in carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) —A. Deljou, O. Karami and P. Ostad Ahmadi (Iran) (RETRACTED)
Response of tomato to transplant drench, foliar organic-complex Ca, B, K and yield enhancement amendments —Paul B. Francis and C. Robert Stark, Jr. (USA)
Variation in growth, dry matter production, nitrogen and potassium uptake by six Musa genotypes in a soilless culture —K.P. Baiyeri and E. Ortese (Nigeria)