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Journal of Applied Horticulture. 1999: 1(2): 108-111

Influence of postharvest treatment with vapour heat and hydrogen peroxide based chemical on the quality of mango cv. Baneshan

Pal, R K; Thomas, R J; Sangeeta Gupta; Lal, B; Singh, N M

Division of Fruits and Horticultural Technology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110012, India.

Physiological and physico-chemical changes in mango cv. Baneshan fruits in response to vapour heat treatment (VHT) were compared to those observed after treatment with a hydrogen peroxide based chemical (Virosil-Agro; VS). VHT is the accepted quarantine treatment for export of mangoes. VS is an eco-friendly and biodegradable chemical having little residual toxicity containing H2O2 and Ag2+. VST had antisenescence effects. VHT enhanced ripening during 14 days of storage compared with the control. VHT resulted in better marketability of fruits due to uniform peel colour development.


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